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Korean Language Programs Korean Language Intensive Program
Korean Language Intensive Program       _ Chonnam National University Global Education Center.
Korean Language Intensive Program       _ Chonnam National University Global Education Center.
Korean Language Intensive Program

Korean Language Intensive Program


Korean language intensive program is a mandatory credit course for Chonnam National University international incoming students whose Korean language level is below TOPIK level 4. The program is designed to help international students improve their Korean language skills and understand Korean culture. Students are required to take the course for two semesters of the first year and intensively learn Korean for daily life and school life.



1. Program Introduction


Target Students

Course Period

Total Credits

Total Class Hours

Lessons per Week

CNU international incoming students below TOPIK level 4

30 weeks a year

 (15 weeks

a semester)

24 credits

 (12 credits a semester)

360 hours a year

 (180 hours a semester)

4 times a week


*Students are required to take two additional courses (6 credits) related to Korean culture each semester.



2. Academic Schedule



Course Duration



Mar.~Jun.(15 weeks)

The exact date and classroom are to be announced.


Sept.~Dec.(15 weeks)

*The schedule is the same as the academic calendar for Chonnam National University.



3. Curriculum and Learning Objectives




Learning Objectives



Korean Language

Basic Course 1


Students will

- listen to words or phrases and be able to tell the phonetic values of Korean phonology accurately and listen to and understand basic vocabulary and simple sentences.

- listen to and be able to understand formal expressions and be able to

  do simple communication

  (purchasing items, making appointments, planning routines, etc.)

- listen to and be able to understand Korean everyday life culture and can compare it with

  their own.


Korean Language

Basic Course 2

(Vocabulary &


Students will be able to

- use the vocabulary related to the names, numbers, and locations of nearby objects.

- understand and use basic words that express everyday life.

- read correctly by basic phonological rules and they can also read and understand

  very simple texts related to everyday life.

- read simple texts such as diaries and letters and understand the contents.


Korean Language

Basic Course3


Students will

- learn the Hangeul alphabet, syllable structure, and general rules of pronunciation

  to pronounce the correct sound of Hangeul.

- be able to use basic expressions necessary for daily life such as names of items, places,

  and time.

- be able to exchange conversations on familiar everyday life topics.


Korean Language

Basic Course 4

(Grammar &


Students will be able to

- write Hangeul correctly by learning the Hangeul alphabet, syllable structure,

  and pronunciation rules.

- practice the target grammar and perform basic language functions on topics

  of everyday life.

- write short articles on everyday life topics using the target grammar.



Korean Language


Course 1


Students will

- listen and be able to understand stories related to familiar topics such as habits, dating,

  shape of things, accidents, residential life, breakdowns and repairs.

- be able to express their thoughts and opinions about what they have listened to


Korean Language


Course 2

(Vocabulary &


Student will be able to

- know and use the vocabulary necessary in daily life such as habits, cooking, romance,

  anniversaries, meetings and attire, accidents, residential life, breakdowns and repairs.

- read and understand familiar social topics such as announcements, introductions,

  instruction manuals, news, columns, and newspaper articles, and write articles

  that express their experiences or thoughts.


Korean Language


Course 3


Students will develop language skills for familiar social themes and functions to perform basic speaking skills such as communicating information, explaining habits, checking weather information, evaluating products, recalling romance, and delivering rumors.


Korean Language


Course 4

(Grammar &


Students will

- learn grammar necessary to perform familiar social topics and functions, and develop their

  grammar skills through reading, speaking, and writing practices.

- be able to write about various social topics.




4. Class Schedule


Course period

Korean Language Basic Course 1~4

Korean Language Intermediate Course 1~4

1st Period



2nd Period



3rd Period





5. Textbook


Seoul National University Korean Language 1A~5B



6. Contact


- Program Coordinator: Choi, Eun-Young

- Tel: 061-659-7021

- E-mail:



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· Address : (59626) 50, Daehak-ro, Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea
· Tel : +82-61-659-7021~2          · FAX : +82-61-659-7029
  Copyright(C) 2019. Global Education Center. All Rights Reserved.
· Address : (59626) 50, Daehak-ro, Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea
· Tel : +82-61-659-7021~2          · FAX : +82-61-659-7029
  Copyright(C) 2019. Global Education Center. All Rights Reserved.
· Address : (59626) 50, Daehak-ro, Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea
· Tel : +82-61-659-7021~2          · FAX : +82-61-659-7029
  Copyright(C) 2019. Global Education Center. All Rights Reserved.